An Apple a day ….

On this Valentine’s Day where couple celebrate being in love &  singles decide to celebrate an “Independence Day”, I just feel like expressing my fruity love feelings towards an Apple…..Just some random love expression & some fruit for thought: did you know that the apple tree is a member of the rose family? So why don’t you have an apple a day on this Valentine’s Day! Some other fruit facts about apple say that in ancient Greece when a man proposed to a woman, he would toss her an apple and if she decided to catch it, it meant she accepted…. There you are with some apple “fruity” fun facts ….. And don’t forget to have one as your “Five a day” for 3 simple reasons:

  1.  An apple provides roughly 10 percent of the vitamin C & fiber we need each day. Vitamin C is great for boosting our immune system particularly during cold winter days!
  2.  Apples are food for thought. They increase your brainpower as they do contain natural sugars that give you boost!
  3.  Exercise Extender! Eating an apple before you work out may boost your exercise endurance. Apples deliver an antioxidant called quercetin, which aids endurance by making oxygen more available to the lungs. So enjoy your apple before any exercise!

Lastly, I’m dedicating this blog post to my Dad who’s a big apple lover & we all get a bit influenced by our parents ‘likes’…. I’m spreading today’s love towards my Mum & Dad who helped me to form my healthy-fitness habits from the very young age. Spread the love! Happy Sunday All!

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